السبت، 19 فبراير 2011
السبت، 5 فبراير 2011
learning arabic
hello everybody
how are you today
today i will teach you some arabic words and phrases !
let`s start
Hi! = salam.. سلام
Good Morning! = Sabah el kheer صباح الخير
Good Evening!= Masaa el kheerمساء الخير
Welcome! (to greet someone) = Marhaban ..... مرحبا
How Are You? = Kaifa haloka/ haloki ( female) كيف حالك؟
I'm Fine, Thanks! = Ana bekhair, shokran! أنا بخير شكرا
And You? = Wa ant? / Wa anti? (female) و أنت؟
Good/ So-So. = Jayed/ 'aadee جيد / عادي
Thank You (Very Much)! = Shokran (jazeelan) شكرا (جزيلا)
You're Welcome! = (for “thank you”) Al’afw ألعفو
Hey! Friend! = Ahlan sadiqi/ sadiqati! (female) أهلا صديقي /صديقتي!
I Missed You So Much! = Eshtaqto elaika/ elaiki (female) katheeran إشتقت إليك كثيرا
What's New? = Maljadeed? مالجديد؟
Nothing Much = Lashai jadeed لا شيء جديد
Good Night! = Tosbeho/ tosbeheena (female) ‘ala khair/ تصبح/ تصبحين على خير
See You Later! = Araka/ Araki (female) fi ma ba'd أراك في مابعد
Good Bye! = Ma’a salama مع السلامة
Help & Directions:
I'm Lost= Ada'tu tareeqi! = أضعت طريقي!
Can I Help You? = Hal beemkani mosa’adatuk? هل بإمكاني مساعدتك؟
Can You Help Me?= Hal beemkanek mosa’adati? هل بإمكانك مساعدتي؟
I'm Looking For John. = Abhatu ‘an John أبحث عن جون
One Moment Please!= Lahda men fadlek/ fadleki (female) لحظة من فضلك
Hold On Please! (phone)= ibqa/ ibqay (female) ala al khat raja'anإبقى/ أبقي علي الخط رجاءا!
Excuse Me ...! ( to ask for something) = Men fathlek/ fathleki (female) (th as in that)
من فضلك
Excuse Me! ( to pass by) = Alma'derah! المعذرة
Come With Me!= Ta'ala/ ta'alay (female) ma'ee! تعال معي!
Personal Info:
Do You Speak (English/ Arabic)?= Hal tatakallamu alloghah alenjleziah/ alarabiah?
هل تتكلم اللغة الإنجليزية /العربية؟
Just a Little.= Qaleelan!
F What's Your Name?= Ma esmouk (m )? Ma esmouki? ما إسمك؟
My Name Is = Esmee… إسمي....
Mr. Mrs.…/ Miss…
Assayed…/ Assayeda…/ Al anesah ...
السيد... /السيدة/ الانسة...
Nice To Meet You!
Motasharefon/ motasharefatun (f) bema'refatek متشرف / متشرفة بمعرفتك
You're Very Kind!
Anta lateef/ Anti lateefa
أنت لطيف! أنتِ لطيفة!
Where Are You From?
Men ayna anta/ anti (female)?
من أين أنت؟
I'm From (the U.S/ Morocco)
Ana men (amreeka/ almaghrib)
أنا من (أمريكا/ المغرب)
I’m (American)
Ana (amreeki/ amrekiah (female)
أنا أمريكي/أمريكية
Where Do You Live?
Ayna taskun?/ Ayna taskuneen? (female)
أين تسكن؟ أين تسكنين؟
I live in (the U.S/ France)
A'eesho fel welayat almotaheda/ faransa أعيش في الولايات المتحدة/ فرنسا
Did You Like It Here?
Hal istamta'ta bewaqtika/ bewaqtiki (f) huna?
هل استمتعت بوقتك هنا؟
Morocco Is a Wonderful Country
Al maghrib baladun jameel!
المغرب بلد جميل!
What Do You Do For A Living?
Ma mehnatuk? Mehnatuki (female)
ما مهنتك؟
I Work As A (Translator/ Businessman)
A'mal ka(motarjim/ rajul a'maal)
أعمل كمترجم/ كرجل أعمال
I Like Arabic
Ohibbu allughah al arabia
أحب اللغة العربية
I've Been Learning Arabic For 1 Month
adrusu allughah al arabia mundu shahr
أدرس اللغة العربية منذ شهر
Oh! That's Good!
Hada shay'un Jameel هذا شيء جميل
How Old Are You?
Kam howa umruk? umroki (female)
كم هو عمرك؟
I'm (twenty, thirty…) Years Old.
Umri ( 'eshreen/ thalatheen) sanah (th as in bath)
عمري (عشرين/ ثلاثين) سنة
I Have To Go
Yajebu an athhaba al aan! (th as in that)
يجب أن اذهب الآن
I Will Be Right Back!
Sa arje’o halan
سأرجع حالا
Good Luck!
Happy Birthday!
Eid meelad sa'eed!
عيد ميلاد سعيد
Happy New Year!
Sana sa'eedah!
سنة سعيدة
Merry Christmas!
A'yaad meelad Saeedah
أعياد ميلاد سعيد!
Happy Eid!
Eid mobarak!
عيد مبارك!
Happy Ramadan
Ramadan mobarak!
رمضان مبارك
Enjoy! (For meals…)
Shahia tayebah!
شهية طيبة
I'd Like To Visit Morocco One Day
Arghabu bezeyarat al maghrib.
أرغب بزيارة المغرب
Say Hi To John For me.
Sallem ‘ala John men ajlee
سلِّم على (جون) من أجلي
Bless you (when sneezing)
Rahimaka Allah
رحمك الله
Good Night & Sweet Dreams!
Laila sa'eda wa ahlaam jamilah
ليلة سعيدة و أحلام جميله !
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something)
Sorry (for a mistake)
No Problem!
La moshkelah
Can You Say It Again?
A’ed men fadlek!/ A’eedi men fadleki (fem)
أعد من فضلك
Can You Speak Slowly?
Takalam bebot’ men fadlek/ fadleki (fem)
تكلم ببطء من فضلك
Write It Down Please!
Oktobha men fadlek/ Oktobiha men fadleki (fem)
أكتبها من فضلك! / أكتبيها من فضلك!
I Don't Understand!
La afham!
لا أفهم
I Don't Know!
La a’ref!
لآ أعرف!
I Have No Idea.
La adri!
What's That Called In Arabic?
Ma esmoho bel arabiah?
ما أسمه بالعربية؟
What Does "qit" Mean In English?
Mada ta'ni kalemat "qit" bel inglizia?
ماذا تعني كلمة "قط" بالانجليزية؟
How Do You Say "Please" In Arabic?
Kaifa taqoulu kalimat "please" bel arabia?
كيف تقول كلمة "بليز" بالعربية؟
What Is This?
Ma hatha (th as in that)
ما هذا؟
My Arabic Is Bad.
Lughati al arabic laisat kama yajib
لغتي العربية ليست كما يجب
I need to practice my Arabic
Ahtaaju an atadarraba 'ala al arabia!
احتاج ان اتدرب على العربية
Don't Worry!
La taqlaq! La taqlaqi (fem)
لاتقلق/ لا تقلقي!
Arabic Expressions & Words:
Good/ Bad/ So-So.
Jayed/ saye'/ 'adee
جيد / سيء / عادي
Big/ Small
Kabeer/ Sagheer
كبير / صغير
Today/ Now
Alyawm/ Al aan
اليوم / الآن
Tomorrow/ Yesterday
Ghadan/ Albareha
غدا / البارحة
Yes/ No
Na’am/ Laa
نعم / لا
Here You Go! (when giving something)
Do You Like It?
Hal a’jabak? Hal a’jabaki? (female)
هل أعجبك؟
I Really Like It!
A’jabani haqqan!
أعجبني حقا
I'm Hungry/ Thirsty.
Ana jae’/ ana ‘atshaan
أنا جائع/ أنا عطشان
In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night.
Sabahan/ masa’an/ laylan
صباحا/ مساءا/ ليلا
This/ That. Here/There
Hatha/ thalek. Huna/ hunaak (th as in that)
هذا /ذلك. هنا/هناك
Me/ You. Him/ Her.
Ana/ anta/ anti (you female). Houwa/ Hiya
أنا/ أنت. هو/ هي
Onzor / Onzori (female)
أنظر! أنظري!
Hurry Up!
Asre'/ Asre'ee (female)
أسرع! أسرعي!
What? Where?
Matha? Ayn? (th as in that)
ماذا؟ أين؟
What Time Is It?
kam essa'a?
كم الساعة؟
It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm.
Enaha al 'ashera. Ennaha assaabe'a wa nesf.
إنها العاشرة. إنها السابعة و النصف مساءا
Give Me This!=
A'teni hatheh! (th as in that)
أعطني هذه!
I Love You!=
Uhibbok/ uhibboki (female) أحبــك ...
what's meaning desert roses ?
In Saudi Arabia Desert Roses are found in the flat brine-rich Sabkhas (desert areas) which are prevalent in the Eastern Province. A Desert Rose is made of gypsum crystals in connection with sand that crystallizes in a unique rosette growth pattern. Such crystals are formed when high tides bring seawater into the Sabkha and the water becomes cut-off from the sea and evaporates, eventually causing salt deposition and crystal formation. To find Desert Roses you must dig down one to three feet into the wet sand.
Has been sung by many poets and writers
الجمعة، 4 فبراير 2011
الخميس، 3 فبراير 2011
إبتـســـ smile ــــــم ..{
a smile can change a life , let's start
تستطيع يا بني أن تغير قناعات الناس
وأن تستحوذ على قلوب الناس وهي لا تشعر
ليس بالسحر ولا بالشعوذة
فبابتسامتك ..
وعذوبة لفظك
تستطيع بهما أن تسحر
فسبحان من جعل الابتسامة في ديننا.... عبادة
وعليها نؤجر
في الصين .. إن لم تبتسم لن يسمحوا لك أن تفتح متجر
إن لم تجد من يبتسم لك ..ابتسم له أنت
فإذا كان ثغرك بالبسمة يفتر ...
بسرعة ...تتفتح لك القلوب لتعبر
الأربعاء، 2 فبراير 2011
my country !!
marhaba its meaning hello in english
how are you ?
i want today take you on a journey to my country saudi arabia
how are you ?
i want today take you on a journey to my country saudi arabia
( KSA )
Saudi Arabia
Area : 2.149.790 sq km
population : 21.4 million
density : 7.9 million sq. km
capital : Riyadh 1.800.000 people
most important cities : Jeddah , Mecca , Riyady and madinah
Language : Arabic (official)
Currency : Saudi riyal
Area : 2.149.790 sq km
population : 21.4 million
density : 7.9 million sq. km
capital : Riyadh 1.800.000 people
most important cities : Jeddah , Mecca , Riyady and madinah
Language : Arabic (official)
Currency : Saudi riyal
Ranked in the world : the first in oil production and reserve, fifth in natural gas reserves, 10th in natural gas production, finally, LEADS Saudi Arabia each year, thousands of pilgrims to perform the Hajj in Mecca and Medina, which prompted the state to secure housing, food and medical care, including enough
to absorb such a large number
to absorb such a large number
Mecca (Makkah in Arabic) is the center of the Islamic world
and its a holy city of the muslims ..
and its a holy city of the muslims ..
Nowadays about 2,000,000 persons perform the Hajj each year, and the pilgrimage serves as a unifying force in Islam by bringing together followers from diverse countries and language groups
mecca clock
The Prophet’s Mosque, Medina
Mada'in Saleh
The long history of the place and the multitude of cultures to have occupied the site have led to the several names that are still in use to refer to the area. The place is currently known as Mada'in Saleh, Arabic for "Cities of Saleh,"
archaeological site of Mada'in Saleh is situated 20 km (12.4 mi) north of the Al-Ula town, 400 km (248.5 mi) north-west of Medina
Jeddah (also spelled Jiddah, Jidda, or Jedda; Arabic: جدّة Jidda) is a Saudi Arabian city located on the coast of the Red Sea and is the major urban center of western Saudi Arabia.
the largest sea port on the Red Sea, and the second largest city in Saudi Arabia after the capital city, Riyadh
old jaddah
King Fahd's Fountain, the highest fountain in the world
And gave you these roses from Taif
See you
I hope you enjoyed this trip
is the capital and largest city of saudi arabia
Aslam garden
National Museum
is the capital of Asir province in Saudi Arabia. It is situated at 2,200 metres (7,200 ft) above sea level in the fertile mountains of south-western Saudi Arabia near the National Park of Asir. Its mild climate makes it a popular tourist destination for Saudis
Abha's homes are made of stone and mud and were built by hand. Some homes are over 300 years old
it's called a roses city
And gave you these roses from Taif
See you
الثلاثاء، 1 فبراير 2011
desert rose
desert rose
I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in pain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in pain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand
I dream of fire
These dreams are tied to a horse that will never tire
And in the flames
Her shadows play in the shape of the man's desire
These dreams are tied to a horse that will never tire
And in the flames
Her shadows play in the shape of the man's desire
This desert rose
ُEach of her veils , a secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this
ُEach of her veils , a secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this
And as she turns
This way she moves in the logic of all my dreams
This fire burns
This way she moves in the logic of all my dreams
This fire burns
I realize that nothings as it seems
I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in pain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in pain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand
I dream of rain
I lift my gaze to empty skies above
I close my eyes
This rare perfume is the sweet intoxication of her love
I lift my gaze to empty skies above
I close my eyes
This rare perfume is the sweet intoxication of her love
I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in pain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in pain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand
Sweet desert rose
Each of her veils , a secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this
Each of her veils , a secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this
Sweet desert rose
This memory of Eden haunts us all
This desert flower
This rare perfume
Is the sweet intoxication of the fall
This memory of Eden haunts us all
This desert flower
This rare perfume
Is the sweet intoxication of the fall
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